Wednesday, August 29, 2012

34 weeks with Twins

34 Weeks Pregnant with Twins!!!

Holy Crap I’m still pregnant! WOO HOO! Well that’s a really good thing. I’m super stoked on that because as of Sunday night I didn’t think I was going to be pregnant for much longer. I was having serious sharp pains and lots of aches and big contractions (but not back to back).  This morning (Tuesday) I woke up feeling great. I think it’s because all I did was lay down on Monday.

It's pretty frustrating when my Maternity shirts are to small to cover my belly.

So new symptoms this week include (like I said earlier) lots of aches and sharp pains. I’ve come to realize that the pulled hamstring feeling I’ve been having in my upper inner thighs could very well be my hips spreading. We found last week and again today that Baby A has moved downward and his head is super low resting right above my pelvis. Baby B is still high up and hanging out all mellow as always. It’s finally official that my lower back totally hurts, as to where last week it was just barely bothering me. I’ve been having lots of contractions, they are pretty strong and at times take my breath away. But since I’ve been placed on UTI medication they are a lot less frequent.  Tomorrow is my last day of medication so I’m hoping the medication killed the UTI.

So first things first, last Wednesday we went to see my OBGYN for my prenatal appointment and to go over last Tuesday’s crazy events.  She informed us that at week 34 and beyond if I go in to labor she’s not going to try to stop it and will perform an emergency C-Section (we are doing a C-Section because one baby is head down and one is breech).  She said generally twins are born at 34 or 35 weeks. Full term for twins is 37 weeks but not all women make it to that point. She told Billy and I last week that she thinks I’ll have them within the next week or so (meaning this week or next week).  That comment alone just about gave Billy and I a panic attack. Yikes! I’m totally mentally not ready to have twins. Luckily we are fully prepared for them when it comes to everything else.  We should be hearing from the doctor soon with a scheduled date for the delivery. Sooo Exciting! 

Last Friday I had a maternity photo shoot. Big thanks to my girlfriend Maryann for giving that to us as a baby shower gift. The one thing I found is I'm a HORRIBLE model. hahaha... I looked so awkward in soooo many pictures. I think I was just really nervous and out of my element. The picture above is a test shot I took with my iPhone the day before the shoot. I got a few really good shots that I really liked. I can't wait to see the pictures once they're edited. The photographer I did the photo shoot with is our friend Kamran his website is

My Mom was SUPER sweet and came over on Monday on her day off and spent all day cleaning my house. What a doll. On top of that she then made us dinner. She is so great. I felt bad because I was lying down all day Monday but I really needed to listen to my body because I was not feeling well.

Today (Tuesday) we had our weekly Non Stress Test. Billy came home from work early to take me to my appointment just in case we had a repeat of last week and had to be sent to the hospital. I packed my hospital bag and so we threw it in the trunk and headed to the appointment.

My hospital bag is all packed and ready to go by the door :)

So this was our 3rd non stress test and just like last week it didn’t go as planned.  So we go in to our normal room and they hook the babies up. One heartbeat doppler for each baby and one contraction doppler for me. So right away the nurse finds Baby A and Baby B’s heart beats. Then she says that Baby B’s heart beat keeps falling off the radar and so she sat there for 30 minutes holding on to the doppler trying to see if she could get a stronger heart beat. Baby A was moving around all crazy and had a good heart rate that was fluxuating (I guess this is what they look for every time). While Baby B’s heart rate stayed at a steady 135. They said this could be because Baby B was sleeping. We tried waking up Baby B by poking and shaking my belly but didn’t have much luck.  She brought the 30 min test results to the Doctor and he said Baby A looks good but we will need to monitor Baby B for another 30 minutes to see if we can get his heart beat to rise. So we disconnect Baby A and monitored Baby B for another 30 minutes with no luck. She brought the next 30 minute results to the doctor who then says that he would like to pull us in for an ultrasound to get a better look at Baby B.

So we go in to the ultrasound room where we get the same ultrasound tech as last week. This stressed me out even more because if you read my blog last week I mentioned that he doesn’t speak very good English. So I ask him what he’s looking for and when he responds I have know freakin clue what the heck he said.  So he focuses in on Baby B and finds his heat beat. Everything looked good so he monitored the baby for about 20 minutes and kept telling us what he was doing but I still didn't really understand anything he was saying except  “I’m just looking…”  haha… So then all of a sudden Baby B wakes up and starts moving around and he say’s “okay we are done, I’ll bring the results to the Doctor please wait here.”  Then says to me sorry I got gel all over your shirt.  Grrrrrrrrrrrrr……….. Not again!!!!!!

So the Doctor came in and this time we got a Doctor that I really like. He then explained to us what had happened and what they were looking for. He explained that Baby B’s heart beat was at a steady rate of 135 and this could mean one of many things. When they do the NST's they want their heart rates to fluctuate anywhere from 130-154. Since it wasn’t fluxuating they decided to do a last minute ultrasound to take a closer look. They took a look at his heart, blood flow through the umbilical cord and movement. He said it looked as though Baby B was just sleeping and there was nothing that was wrong.  He said they wanted to make sure Baby B was okay and wanted to take a closer look because there are other things that could have been wrong, luckily he didn’t say what those other things were because I’d totally freak out over it.  It really puts me at ease knowing that the babies are getting the very best care possible. Next week we have another ultrasound, this is the fun one where we find out their growth, length and weight. I can’t wait to find out how much they weigh.

So since I’ve been in so much pain these last few days I’ve scheduled myself a prenatal massage. My dad and step mom bought it for me for my birthday back in May and I’ve been saving it for a time when I thought I could really use it. I’m a little nervous because I’ve never had a massage before. I know that sounds crazy but I don’t like people touching me on my neck because I’m afraid they’re going to tweak my muscles and put me in a world of pain. If you can’t tell I’ve had a really bad massage experience. Haha… But I’m a little excited to see if it helps with the pain I am having. 

Here is my little cuddle Buddy <3

So I was in for a bit of a shock today when I went to measure my belly. I've been in a hell of a lot of pain this last week. I kept thinking to myself "Okay your either going to go in to labor soon or the babies are rapidly growing and it's growing pains."  Well today I found it was growing pains because in one week my stomachs grown almost a full inch. This week my Belly measures in at 43 1/4 (last week was 42 1/2) Sooo crazy! Their only going to get bigger and bigger from here on out. Below I did a picture comparison from last week and this week. I don't know about you but I can definitely see a difference. 

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